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The real estate industry is poised for a disruptive change. According to market research, ‘Technology’ and ‘Competition’ are the two factors that will underlie this disruption. The median age of real estate agents in the U.S is over 57, which means that it is time for a younger more tech-savvy agents to enter the market. Moreover, a survey conducted on 1,700 real estate agents revealed that there is but one difference between the top productive agents and the one’s who struggle to make sales. The productive agents are spending 6 times more on technology than the one’s who are struggling. Most of this spending is going into CRM and lead management systems.

Taking this into consideration, Rolustech has come up with a customized CRM platform for the Real Estate industry. This platform is designed to be super efficient and highly adaptable for today’s real estate businesses.

The property market today demands that all the entities of the business including Agents, Brokers, Listings, Buyers and Sellers should all be seamlessly integrated on a single platform. Rolustech’s real estate platform ensures that your agents have one-click access to the modules of each of the entities on a single window to carry out their daily tasks.

Listings Module

In addition to a list-view of all the listings associated with your brokerage, the listing module contains a holistic view of each listing. This includes the listing’s address, its demand, its market worth, status, any offers made against the listing and the interested parties.

The module also reveals the listing wizard for each property. This wizard allows the agent to enter the buyer’s preferences according to which the most suitable properties are displayed.

For example if a buyer ‘John’ wants to buy a fully furnished ocean view apartment with three bedrooms and a must have parking space. Your agent can filter all the listings in the modules which have these attributes.

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Buyers Module

In this module, complete profile and the requirements of the buyers are listed down in a way that your agents can easily visualize the buyers’ preferences and suggest them the optimal listing.

The buyer information that this module shows include

  • Listing preference of the buyer
  • Buyer’s budget
  • Any offers that he has made against any listing
  • Any associated properties with your brokerage
  • The functionality of calling, emailing and scheduling meeting with the buyer

Sellers Module

This module lists down all the sellers in a list-view to provide you with a bird’s eye view of the sellers. It also incorporates all the information for each seller in a detailed view. This includes

  • Seller’s personal details
  • The listings associated with the seller
  • The demand for the listings
  • Any offers made against his listings

Offers Module

This module provides a list view of all the offers made against a listing. By clicking on any offer the agent is shown a detailed view which contains all the information regarding a specific offer including the owner of the listing and his contact information, the interested buyer and the status of the offer including the information on when it is expected to be closed.

Commissions Module

This module lets you calculate the agent’s commission on each transaction with most ease. It also shows a view of all the commissions on sales and purchases with information like

  • The agents and their associated commissions
  • The amount of the commission
  • The status of the commission; whether it is paid or not

Equip your agents with all the right tools

The platform provides the ability to integrate with third party applications to boost productivity of your sales agents. Some of these applications include:

1) Google Maps

A CRM integration with Google Maps allows your agents to locate any of their buyers, sellers or listings on the map within their CRM. They can also plan the route to visit various listings and open houses along with the driving directions. They can also perform a radial search from any location to visualize the nearby records in their CRM.

2) Twilio Telephony System

CRM integration with Twilio allows for click-to-call and SMS features to be available within the Real Estate solution. A call and SMS button is placed in front of every record in the system so that agents don’t have to switch between platforms to interact with clients. It also provides functionality for interactive voice responses and recording calls.

3) E-Signature

Gone are the times when your agents sent out hard copies of agreements and invoices. The integration with e-signature providers like DocuSign ensures that your agents can promptly send out forms and agreements for signatures securely; all from a centralized platform.

4) Google Apps Integration

If you use google apps including G-mail or G-drive, this integration synchronizes these apps with the real estate platform and keeps them both updated in real time. This means your emails in gmail, your meetings, tasks and appointments in google calendar and your important documents in G-drive are all synced and archived in your Real Estate platform with this Google integration. Your agents no longer need to worry about manual data entry and can instead spend their time building meaningful client relationships.

5) Accounting Applications

You can integrate leading accounting platforms such as Xero and Quickbooks with your CRM platform. All the invoicing and quotes are managed from within your CRM system and all the information remain synced across platforms. This means your agents no longer need to create sales invoices and manage the accounting outside of the CRM. Every business process is carried out within the CRM, thus saving time, effort and costs.

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Marketing Campaigns

The platform comes with the email marketing and marketing automation functionality. By integrating with tools like Mailchimp and Act-on Marketing Automation, the platform enables email marketing which utilizes the lead and client information from the database and shows the campaign results within the system.

Analytics and Reporting

Rolustech’s real estate platform focuses on extensive reporting for your brokerage and agents to stay on top their business. With single click they can access real time analytics which equips them with the control they need to perform well. Some of the custom built reports in this platform include:

  • Listing transactions per agent in a month, quarter and year
  • Commissions earned in a time period
  • Real time value of listings

Portal for Buyers and Sellers

This portal provides the buyers and sellers the ability to view all the listings, match listings with their preferences, express interest in those listings, give offers and view all the prior interactions with your agents.