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SugarCRM Themes: 7 Captivating Examples of Sugar Theme Customization

SugarCRM Themes 7 captivating examples of theme customization in Sugar

Sugar comes with a default theme but an out-of-the-box theme might not truly reflect your company’s image. While many businesses are more interested in getting SugarCRM integrations and customization to augment the functionality of their CRM, few realize the importance of making Sugar user-friendly so that your employees love using it.

CRM software is the first software that employees, and especially salespeople, login to at the start of the day and the last one they log out of. If the theme of the CRM software does not give them a feel of their own business, they are bound to get bored and may even become unproductive.  Hence, it only makes sense to have a customized CRM theme that is attractive and visually appealing to improve user adoption and make the business hours of your employees more fruitful.

Get rid of your boring & monotonous login page screen

Your login page screen should mirror your company and the industry vertical it operates in. It should have your company logo and vibrant background images to give your CRM a modern and elegant look.

Below is a screenshot of a SugarCRM login screen customization that we did for one of our clients, Finding Friday, that specializes in CRM for the Travel and Leisure Industry. The company strives to connect travel and leisure companies with potential travelers and tourists.

SugarCRM Themes

Personalize your Sugar theme

The reason why Sugar is loved by users worldwide is that it is highly versatile and customizable. With custom colors, logos and positioning of buttons, you will get a rejuvenated feel when you login to your CRM system. Whether you are using Sugar version 6 or 7, you can get your theme customized according to your exact requirements.

Sugar 6 (Community Edition) Theme Customization – A Few Examples

Let’s walk you through some of the theme customizations that we have done for our clients from different industry verticals using Sugar 6.

1. Auto Accelerator

Auto Accelerator CRM is a subsidiary of Customer Focused Marketing (CFM) and provides best-in-industry CRM services and support to automobile dealers.

SugarCRM Themes

2. Lixar

Lixar is an IT company that provides enterprise-level connected product platforms and mobile software solutions.

SugarCRM Themes

3. Ark Sciences

A medical company based in New York, Ark Sciences’ is committed to improving the well-being and welfare of animals.

SugarCRM Themes

Sugar 7 Theme Customization – A Few Examples

Have a look at some of the theme customization that we have done for our clients from different industry verticals using Sugar 7.

1. The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)

FITT is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses.

SugarCRM Themes

2. Juniper Place

Juniper Place is an investor intelligence and asset-raising business headquartered in London, with an additional office in New York.

SugarCRM Themes

Bottom Line

Whether it’s your login page, dashlet, dashboard, list view, detail view, record view or anything else, you can get anything and everything customized to have a highly personalized CRM system that would mirror your business processes. You need to give a vibrant look to your CRM to maximize the ROI and get the most out of your CRM.

Rolustech is a SugarCRM Certified Partner Firm. We have rendered services to more than 600 satisfied clients globally and helped them with SugarCRM Customization, Integration, Implementation, Maintenance and Support. Get in touch for a Free CRM Consultation