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Should I Use Sugar Market or Mailchimp?

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The answer is simple: it depends. Although this is an answer everyone dreads because it means extensive research on both things, but giving a one sided answer would be too disingenuous. Rather than falling on one end of both options it is better to undergo an in-depth analysis of both apps to see their pros and cons.

Choosing the right technology for your business is critical, that’s why we have compiled this detailed blog to help make your choice easier.

What is SugarCRM?

It is important for businesses to understand that having a good relationship with their customers is a very important thing, something that should never be underrated. However, the challenge arises for those who do not understand how to build good customer relationships. That is where SugarCRM comes in, helping manage all your relationships by being the leading customer management system for your business. Companies are able to easily reach out to their customers using different networks such as emails, social networks, one-on-one meetings, phone, customized messages and much more. This may sound as helpful as other similar apps but it has that extra sense of comfortability where your sales team can effectively turn prospects into leads by using the channel your prospects feel most comfortable with, the language they are more fluent in and in general being very easily customizable. All in all, it leaves the company with some outstanding results like growing sales, creating custom applications and finally retaining customers.

What is Mailchimp?

You may understand that having good customer relations is something that will help you become successful in the future but what use is all this when you don’t know how to manage all your prospects and their data. That what Mailchimp helps a company do, it is a leading email service provider that allows businesses to manage all their automated campaigns, newsletters and mailing list. They are able to create, design, send and save email templates which can also be used in the future whenever needed. It does not just make designing email templates easier but it also helps you track all your emails to see their results, responses, feedback and finally to gain insights into your campaigns. Having a user-friendly interface means you do not have to undergo any intensive training or have to be a tech savvy person.

Getting to the Point!

Marketing campaigns that are sent timely, are personalized and fulfill your customers needs play a very crucial part for your business. In order to get this right your company will require the right, tightly integrated tools to make sure the right messages are sent to the right people at the right time. What is important to understand that the core of every business is SugarCRM, which is used alongside many other platform tools required to run a business.

One thing is straight, we all only use tools that are relevant to our business and tools that made specifically to achieve whatever end goal we have in mind. Therefore, it should be the same case in SugarCRM, using marketing tools integrated with SugarCRM specifically. The next question that arises is, what tools is best for your company? The answer is the same as my first answer: it depends. Again an answer we hate hearing, but it solely depends on your needs and end goal. For this very reason comparison grids exist, helping companies pinpoint the features they need, the budget they have to stay within and the value of each solution that will help in the decision making process.

So, the big question still says the same…

Sugar Market or Mailchimp?

Every company has 2 factors they consider, the first is what they want to do in their campaign and the second is how much they are willing to invest fiscally. So let’s run a quick background check of these two marketing platforms in the Sugar world. Sugar market, also known as Salesfusion is the in-house marketing automation solution provided by SugarCRM and bought by them in 2019 for the purpose of enabling relevant and personalized engagements.

Whereas, Mailchimp is the all-in-one integrated marketing platform made for marketers. One thing to keep in mind is just because these tools are easy to use it and make the lives of marketers easier that they aren’t powerful. This is false. In fact, it helps create complex and sophisticated multi-channel campaigns which may be simple to make but are very powerful. Mailchimp connects with Sugar using SugarChimp, which is the glue that keeps Mailchimp with all your Sugar data such as targets, leads, contacts, accounts and custom data.

Comparing SugarMarket to Mailchimp

A comparison graph makes it easier for you to differentiate between the different choices you have and find the right solution for yourself.

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