What you have been looking for is finally here! Yes, the latest and the sweetest version of Sugar is here now. SugarCRM has come up with Sugar 7.7 which is now available for all commercial editions.
SugarCRM offers unlimited keyboard shortcuts that place everything on your fingertips. Here are some of the keyboard tricks that will allow you to do common tasks at lightning speed in SugarCRM.
In order to bridge the gap of Sugar in open source community, X2Engine reinvented X2CRM to provide an open, modern and more effective alternative to the unnecessarily complex CRM systems that are available in the market right.
Instead of having to adjust to a rigid solution, modern CRM provides a customizable solution which aligns itself with the business needs and requirements.
Do business the way it should be done – smarter and faster.Businesses all over the world are now waking up to the reality of a landscape that has virtually no space for ‘waste’.
With critical data stored inside a CRM, companies are right to demand stringent standards of data protection. Sugar takes a holistic and systematic approach in safeguarding their crucial customer data.