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How to Add Google Maps in SugarCRM If You Are Not a Developer

A simple google search on how to add Google Maps in SugarCRM returns many results. Most of the methods are so complex that an ordinary user gets confused. Other methods explained there are either outdated or work with old versions of Sugar. One method provided by SugarCRM developers explains how to add a google map to each Sugar module; but what if you want a simple module with all of your Contacts, Leads and Accounts plotted on it?
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Reporting in SugarCRM

Reporting in SugarCRM- Stay One Step Ahead of the Curve

The huge heaps of data stored in your database is of little value if you cannot obtain valuable and detailed insights from it. SugarCRM comes with Reports module to facilitate reporting requirements of sales, support and marketing teams. The reports provide brilliant insights into factors affecting the performance of the company.
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2017 06 19

Click-To-Call Feature in SugarCRM

Let's discuss a plug and play telephony solution for Sugar- RT Telephony along with its functionality, its benefits for your team along with answers to all the questions you have ever had regarding a click to call feature in Sugar.
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Calendar Customizations in SugarCRM 1

Calendar Customization in SugarCRM: 6 awesome examples

While all companies using a CRM make use of the built in calendar to plan their activities, very few realize the importance of having a fully customized calendar and the whole lot of value it can add to their system. In this post, we have shared some amazing calendar customizations we did for our clients to help them leverage their CRM.
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CRM Implementation Strategy

CRM Implementation Strategy

Enterprises are eager to invest in CRM technology as part of a determined effort to grow their customer base. However, without proper direction and strategy, such initiatives might not bring optimal results and hence a clear roadmap outlining the CRM implementation process first needs to be chalked out
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