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salesforce for telecomm industry

Salesforce for Telecommunication Industry: Top Benefits!

Salesforce gives you a 360 degree look at your customer with a layered manual of their habits and behaviors that set you up perfectly to target them with your products. Telecommunication industry has one of the biggest customer bases among industry-verticals and can use Salesforce to get their customer’s worth in gold.
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Tackle the Toughest Sales Challenges with SugarCRM

Selling has always been a struggle and this is truer than ever in today’s highly competitive business landscape. This coupled with the uncertainty, the pressure to meet deadlines and need to always be ‘on’ can take its toll on anyone. Luckily, SugarCRM has got you covered! It comes out-of-the-box with all the essentials salespersons need to take their productivity to the next level without overcomplicating the whole affair. Here are 5 ways in particular that SugarCRM is extremely useful for tackling the toughest sales challenges head-on.
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SugarCRM Community Edition End of Life : What it means and what to do next

SugarCRM Community Edition was the open-source version of SugarCRM. It was available free of charge alongside paid editions until version 6.5. Last month, it finally bit the proverbial dust as SugarCRM totally ceased its development and maintenance. As of this point, all Community Edition downloads have been removed from SourceForge.net and there will no longer be any new bug fixes, security updates and patches for it.
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eCommerce Essentials

Whether you’re an up and comer looking to make a big splash or a veteran wanting to further expand your eCommerce arsenal, here are 5 essentials you just can’t do without.
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ai crm cover

Artificial Intelligence and the future of CRM

For the uninitiated, Artificial Intelligence is when machines are able to simulate human intelligence and carry out tasks that require it. These include but are not limited to the perception of vision and speech, motion, learning and reasoning. A.I. surrounds us and we interact with it all the time, sometimes without even realizing it. On the internet, not only does it help us find the content we desire but also enables desirable content find its way to us. It resides within our phones listening to our commands, deciphering our intentions and determining the answers to our queries. It makes our homes smarter, safer and more hospitable.
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The New and Improved Sugar UX – Sugar Just Got Sweeter!

SugarCRM has been hard at work concocting the perfect fusion of flash and substance that is the new Sugar UX for Sugar’s mobile and web products. Today we take a look at some of these new design elements and the care and thought that goes into the process for evolving a truly immersive, engaging and intuitive Sugar experience.
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