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Amazon CodeGuru: Automate Code Quality with Machine Learning

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[Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that provides intelligent recommendations to improve your code quality and identify an application’s most expensive lines of code. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler then publishes the profile data in interactive flame graphs that enable you to visualize the performance of your application.] 

Amazon CodeGuru is an intelligent tool whose main focus is to increase the quality of your organization’s code. It does this as well as identifying exactly what lines of the code are the most “expensive” or valuable. You can also integrate CodeGuru in your current workflow, which means you won’t have to start from scratch. Use it to monitor application performance and get recommendations, all with visual aids to guide you through. Every time you use a service, you only have to pay per usage, meaning no extra charges.

Amazon CodeGuru comes in two main parts, they are CodeGuru Reviewer and CodeGuru Profiler. CodeGuru Reviewer works on finding vulnerabilities and critical issues to bring the quality of your code up to par at least. CodeGuru Profiler, on the other hand, highlights the most valuable bits of your code. It does this by analyzing the runtime behavior, decreasing compute costs, and removing other code inefficiencies.

Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

CodeGuru Reviewer works on getting your code in its top shape by providing recommendations and fixes. It applies to code written in both Python and Java and scans them line by line to bring you results. CodeGuru Reviewer runs on decades of knowledge and the best practices of AWS machine learning and artificial intelligence. It has learned from thousands of code reviews and other repositories to reach the level it is at today. 

To initiate the code reviewing process, you must first link your code to a supported repository. These include GitHub, AWS’s own CodeCommit, and Bitbucket.

Identify Issues before Deployment

After linking code to a supported repository, add CodeGuru Reviewer as a code reviewer. Once that is done, CodeGuru Reviewer can begin analyzing all the code present and find many unseen bugs and critical errors with a high degree of accuracy. The CodeGuru Reviewer’s intelligent recommendations on how to fix issues will act as a base for making your workflow productive. 

Remove Vulnerabilities

CodeGuru Reviewer comes packaged with Security Detector, which runs on machine learning to increase the security of your code. Make sure your code follows the best practices, security vulnerabilities are identified in 10 OWASP categories for maximum coverage. When a new issue is uncovered, recommendations, as well as explanations for code improvement, are provided to you. This gives your teams more time to focus on their own security practices relevant to the architecture. 

Continuous Monitoring

Every time a pull request is set, CodeGuru Reviewer analyzes every marginal code change and recommendations will be posted directly on the request. To maintain your code quality over a certain period of time, your entire code base is scanned periodically. This maintenance along with other steps will make sure the quality of your code always stays on track. 

Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Optimize the performance of AWS cloud applications and highlight their most valuable lines of code. CodeGuru Profiler is always searching for opportunities to further improve them without increasing CPU usage and compute costs. This can be done for applications on Amazon ECS, Amazon EC2, Amazon EKS, AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, and even on-premises. 

Troubleshooting Performance

With your runtime data being analyzed, the best ways to improve CPU and memory usage are always being found. This ongoing troubleshooting results in an improved throughput as well as performance for your system. The troubleshooting is constantly running with minimal cannibalization of computing resources. Take complete control and gain transparency of your compute resources with CodeGuru Profiler. 

Anomalies in Application Performance

Anomaly detection reports are updated every 5 minutes which shows where in the application stack the slowdown is coming from. These reports help to pinpoint the issue beforehand, giving you ample time for diagnostics. Addressing the issue at the earliest will result in superior service and customer service. 

Find the Most “Expensive” Line of Code

Having efficient code is also a great way of gaining efficiency through cost. CodeGuru Profiles uses visuals and suggestions to show you how to reduce operational costs by incorporating better lines of code. Calculations are done too to show the estimated cost of running older inefficient code through the system.

Use Machine Learning for Superior Coding

So there you have it. Amazon CodeGuru makes use of industry-leading machine learning to manage and revamp your codebase, reaching better performance per resource. Combine these new coding practices with AWS DevOps to bring your applications quickly to fruition.

Get CodeGuru now to increase the quality of your code!

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