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A Beginner’s Guide to RT GymCRM

rt gymcrm

RT GymCRM is a new Industry Solution by Rolustech made specifically for gyms. It joins our library of customer-oriented plugins and solutions. With gym memberships on a rise and people becoming more cognizant of their health, gym management has become a challenge in itself.

Gyms, just like any other organization, have multiple cogs in play and require all of them to work in a unified manner to increase efficiency. RT GymCRM takes up this challenge magnificently with its numerous custom modules and features, tailor-made for gyms.

Here’s a beginner’s guide to show you why RT GymCRM is just what you need!

Dedicated Admin Module

This dedicated module keeps track of the overall management of the gym. A 360-degree view of the day-to-day operations goes a long way when it comes to strategically planning new initiatives and expenses. The Admin module is further broken down into different subsections that individually cater to every section of the business. You can look at the budget breakdown, equipment maintenance records, attendance records, and insurance details all from within the confines of the Admin module.

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Trainer & Members Module

This module works similar to the Admin module but with restricted access to only certain features. The Trainer module shows a breakdown of the trainers’ weekly schedules, status, personal details, members assigned, progress reports and emails.

Similarly, the Members module shows all the relevant information about members including their status, attendance, health records, measurements, and subscription details. Both the Trainer and Members modules consolidate all the information on employees and clients into one place for easier access and efficient management.

Third Party Integrations

Numerous third-party platforms can be integrated with RT GymCRM to increase productivity and efficiency. RT GymCRM can be integrated with marketing platforms i.e.MailChimp or Inbox25 to automate marketing functions. These integrations can be used to send out periodic emails or target specific leads with ease. RT GymCRM can also be customized to add social media compatibility. You can obtain data through your clients’ social media habits/behavior and target them specifically according to their needs. These third-party integrations can go a long way towards reducing expenses and increasing your lead nurturing capabilities.

Reports Module

RT GymCRM comes with a separate Reports module with numerous reporting functionalities to give you a broader view of your gym operations. Get revenue trends, members’ habits and more from right within your CRM.

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Our Two Bits!

Our SugarCRM Certified Developers at Rolustech have put in countless hours to ensure RT GymCRM gives you a robust 360-degree overview of your gym, as well as a detailed breakdown of every section. Its custom-built modules are tailor-made to make common gym tasks easy, and integration capabilities ensure there’s always room to scale and customize when and if needed.

Rolustech has helped more than 900 firms with various Integrations and Customizations. Contact us today for your FREE consultation session. We will be happy to assist you.