
Case Study: Customized SugarCRM for Administration

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Evolution Marketing is an independent business software consulting firm based in Australia. It specializes in recommending, implementing and supporting specialist business software across a wide range of business types, sizes and industries. Their experts work with technology leaders such as SugarCRM to provide high-value CRM and marketing automation solutions to help businesses acquire more leads and increase sales.


Evolution Marketing approached Rolustech in order to get their marketing automation tools integrated with SugarCRM for a local government based in Brisbane. The local government intended to run email campaigns comprising of surveys from within their Sugar to create awareness amongst the general public about using energy resources efficiently. Furthermore, they also had a mobile game developed for this purpose that users played in order to win gifts. The government wanted the game data of the app to automatically sync with Sugar so leads could be generated based on game results.
After conducting multiple discovery phases with the Evolution Marketing team, Rolustech decided to enhance the functionality of Sugar by integrating the API’s of the following three key marketing automation tools and adding a few customizations that would serve the client’s needs.


  • SurveyMonkey API integration to add contacts to a particular survey and trigger survey emails from Sugar. Upon completion, collect survey responses and save them in Sugar.
  • Parse API integration to fetch mobile application’s data from its database and save in Sugar. Based on the game results, automatic leads were generated corresponding to the names of the winners.
  • ExactTarget integration with SugarCRM to execute automated promotional campaigns, highly-personalized emails, transactional messages, and behavioral-triggered messages.
  • Customized SugarCRM 7.5 to further increase its functionality.



Evolution Marketing was highly impressed with the professional approach adopted by our certified Sugar experts. The local government of Brisbane was able to reach out to more people and raise awareness regarding the efficient use of energy resources through Sugar and the need to switch back and forth between multiple platforms was eliminated.

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