
Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator Integration

Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator Integration

Salesforce helps streamline the sales management process, effectively manage your tasks and deliver meaningful customer experiences. 

However, with the rising competition, it’s more important than ever to engage customers across all channels. This will allow you to have a seamless sales process and ensure that leads don’t miss through the cracks. 

The solution to capturing more leads, improve the sales experience and keep all your records updated is to leverage Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration.

So, let’s get started and see how connecting Salesforce to LinkedIn Sales Navigator will benefit your business. 

Benefits of Salesforce and Linkedin Sales Navigator Integration

LinkedIn-and Salesforce Integration
LinkedIn-and Salesforce Integration

Improve Your Salesforce Experience

LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Salesforce integration will improve your Salesforce Experience with actionable and accurate data insights. It allows sales reps to stay updated with the relevant news and activities of different prospects. Moreover, you can also get key insights about leads to build personalized customer relationships by keeping track of their activities on LinkedIn.

Find Suggested Leads in Sales Navigator

Streamline your sales pipeline by connecting Salesforce to LinkedIn Sales Navigator by automatically importing lead, contact, opportunity and account records into the LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This will give you a unified view of all your active opportunities and ensure that all changes are updated in run-time in your CRM platform. Sales Navigator will also utilize your Salesforce data and will then show you suggested leads based on that data.

Bi-Directional Sync

Connect Salesforce to LinkedIn Sales Navigator to automatically update records through LinkedIn InMails, messages, calls and notes in Salesforce for a seamless experience. It allows you to log key sales navigator actions in Salesforce when creating new contacts and assigning roles for new opportunities.

Improved Lead Generation

Get high quality leads through LinkedIn Sales Navigator and determine their quality against a set of parameters. With Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration, you can easily reach out to leads with personalized messages and maintain a database in your CRM to leverage it as the best lead management software.

Leverage Mutual Connections

Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration lets you stay ahead of the curve by leveraging personalized marketing campaigns. It also lets you utilize your mutual connections so you can get warm introductions to reach out to the leads, expand your customer database and enhance your brand advocacy. 

Salesforce Customization and Configuration Services

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How to Leverage Salesforce to Fully Boost Your Sales? 

With all this data, what you really need is a Customized Salesforce Dashboard to make sense of it all, and also to optimize sales management processes and drive high profits. As per our research, companies using Salesforce Customized Dashboards see their business growth skyrocketing. 

Let’s dive in to see how Salesforce Customized Dashboards can help your business. 

Salesforce Customized Dashboards For Opportunities

With Salesforce Customized Dashboards, you can get a 360-degree view of your sales pipeline. This means you can get a clear idea of all open opportunities that you can avail to boost sales and grow your business. 

Rolustech has extensive experience in creating Salesforce Customized Dashboards for opportunities. The custom dashboard is user-interactive and allows users to filter their data by different parameters such as countries, revenue, etc.  Moreover, the Salesforce Dashboard for opportunities allows sales reps, managers and executives to keep track of all opportunities and drive high sales. 

Customized Salesforce Dashboard for Opportunities

Customized Salesforce Dashboard for Sales per Month

Keep Track of Results and Issues

As the Salesforce Customized Dashboard for opportunities gives a complete overview of your sales pipeline, it allows you to seamlessly manage your sales. Stay updated with your leads and opportunities by having a quick glimpse of all issues, conversions, results, and updates. 

Stay on Top of Your Sales Pipeline

Many companies are already leveraging Salesforce Customized Dashboard and have seen high growth in their sales figures. Along with this, the customized dashboard for sales also helps to boost team productivity and make better decisions. 

The Bottom Line!

Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration help increase sales by capturing more leads, keeping track of all opportunities and improving sales management. However, if you are aiming to stay ahead of the curve, you must make use of Salesforce Customized Dashboards to have a 360-degree view of your sales pipeline and never miss any opportunity to revolutionize your business. 

Rolustech is an Official Salesforce Partner firm and has completed more than 700 projects in Salesforce Implementation, Customization, Integration, and more. Contact us now for a FREE Business Analysis. We will be glad to assist you!