About Amer Wilson
Amer Wilson is a CRM consultant at Rolustech with over a decade’s worth of experience in the CRM industry. Amer currently runs the Rolustech blog and aims to provide expert advice and inspiration to small business owners through his posts. Amer regularly attends webinars from leading CRM providers to stay on top of the latest trends in CRM and, consequently, ensure that his readers can too. A strong believer in imparting the knowledge he has gained over his career, Amer is always willing to assist his co-workers in any way he can and has become our go-to-guy for all things CRM. When he’s not churning out new articles and directing the content strategy for our blog, Amer can be found pumping iron at the gym.
Using SugarCRM in the construction industry enables users to manage clients, access information from anywhere, and share information with others. Find out more!
- June 12, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
Magento (Adobe Commerce) vs Shopify: The Best Of eCommerce Platforms
Comparing Magento (Adobe Commerce) and Shopify when it comes to features such as speed, pricing, and customizability, puts Magento in a better light. Find out more!
- June 5, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
Breaking Down The Sugar CRM Knowledge Base
With the ability to manage and publish articles using features like the list and module view, the Sugar Knowledge Base module has much to offer. Find out more!
- May 22, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
Your Guide To Salesforce Cloud Computing
Salesforce offers Cloud Computing applications that come with their fair share of benefits such as mobility, flexibility, and security. Learn more!
- May 15, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
Salesforce To Salesforce Integration: An In-Depth Analysis
Salesforce to Salesforce Integration is a convenient way to partner with other organizations and keep track of mutual records, activity, and data.
- May 8, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
Magento Order Management: eCommerce Made Easy
Features like catalog and inventory management, flexible omnichannel and easy customer service make Magento Order Management a useful eCommerce platform!
- May 8, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
The Best Of What Sugar Exchange Has To Offer
Sugar Exchange offers several helpful apps like CheckList, TimeLine Viewer and RT Plugins to help tailor your SugarCRM. Find out more!
- April 30, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
Sugar Integrate: All You Need To Know!
The Sugar Integrate platform, with its features like adapters and the Data Loader, is all you need to have to address all your CRM integration needs. Find out how!
- April 24, 2020
- By Amer Wilson
Magento and Social Media : The Answer To All Your Digital Marketing Needs
Maximize your customer outreach and build strong brand authority by integrating your Magento store to various social media platforms.