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More Filtering, Sharing and Searching in Sugar Mobile 2.7

More filtering sharing and searching in Sugar Mobile 2.7

Are you a Sugar Mobile user? SugarCRM recently released the latest version of their Sugar Mobile product, Sugar Mobile 2.7. With every new release, new functionalities are added to make the app a lot more powerful, easy to use, and in line with the capabilities of the desktop application.

SugarCRM’s mobile app looks and feels similar to its browser counterpart, which makes it easier for users to adapt to it quickly. The offline mode feature also provides more convenience, as you can utilize your CRM on the go. You can log calls, emails, texts, etc. and can instantaneously respond to leads, leading to better management of your leads. The app is available for both iOS & Android platforms.

Major new features included in this release are:

Sharing Records via Email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Users can now share records directly from the detail view to multiple social media platforms and through emails. To access this function, click on the vertical ellipsis on the top right corner of a record view. Keep in mind that there are still access restrictions and the user still has to log in to access the record. The users will only be allowed to view the record and nothing else.

Sugar Mobile 2.7 -1

Sorting on Module and Related Record List Views

Module and related record list views can now be sorted by fields in either ascending or descending order. With this new feature, users can also sort their search results in a List View (similar to sorting column-wise in Desktop app). To access this feature, go to List View, click on the “sort” button in the top right corner, and select the field you want to sort by. To toggle between ascending and descending sorting, click the arrow in the top right corner.

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Filtering on Module and Related Record List View

Filtering can be done using predefined filters or filters built in the desktop Sugar application. By default, the search filter is set to show all records. To access this feature, click on the Filter button in the top left corner of the app to select the filter that you want to set. The best thing about this is that when you navigate away from the page, your search will be preserved, and will appear again when you return to the List View. You can also use the custom filters that you have created using your desktop application.

SugarCRM Mobile 2.7 -3

Take Action!

Sugar Mobile Version 2.7 can be updated using the ‘update’ functionality. Another way to upgrade is to search for “SugarCRM Mobile” in the application store using the following links:

Google Play Store
Apple App Store

SugarCRM Mobile Version 2.7 is compatible with Sugar 6.7.1 and above. Your Mobile App may not fit your entire business needs, and you may want to add up a few things to make it more suitable. We can help you out with this. We specialize in customizing Sugar related apps and systems, so your systems can help fulfill all your business requirements.

Rolustech is a SugarCRM Certified Developer & Partner Firm. We have helped more than 700 firms with various SugarCRM Customization, Migrations and Integrations. Contact us today for your FREE consultation session. We will be happy to assist you!